DNA Health Reports - FAQ
A few factors make Silverberry one of the best service providers when it comes to DNA Health Reports:
1- Silverberry is one of the pioneers in the field, and among the first companies that offer reports written for a layperson.
2- Silverberry reports are comprehensive (180 traits) that cover reports from nutrition, to exercise, skincare, hair, personality, allergy, weight loss, and more.
3- Silverberry also offers a comprehensive recommendation engine including personalized food which makes it unique.
4- Silverberry reports and services are available on its mobile app, so you get access to it anytime, anywhere
5- Silverberry service includes an educational component that you can use to better understand the reports and recommendations to optimize your health plans.
If you have a DNA file from any of the above DNA Service providers, you can upload and get DNA Basic Wellness Reports for free
DNA-based predisposition is NOT a diagnosis of a disease or condition. A predisposition must not be confused with the disposition itself: One is a statistical probability; the other, a concrete reality. It is as if genetics can nearly beat its way to the door of human form, identity, or behavior - but it cannot traverse the final mile.
Most genetics applications rely on single genetic variation-single genetic trait association studies publicly available. Silverberry’s technology explores a network of genetic variations influencing your potential predisposition using an aggregate analysis of scientific studies and enhanced through learning artificial intelligence algorithms.
Nature vs. Nurture: Genetics is only part of the equation, and environmental and lifestyle choices often impact one's well being in different proportions.
No, Silverberry offers a saliva test that can take anywhere.
The algorithm behind the scores is complex and proprietary, but the basic logic is as follows.
First, there are potentially two types of genetic variations present for a single individual: those that contribute to the strength of a trait and those that decrease the strength of a trait. For example, within a single person there may be genetic variations that increase the likelihood that a person may be predisposed to obesity and there may be others that decrease that likelihood. We look at each genetic variation, determine its influence on the trait, weigh the importance given its potential role in critical metabolic pathways and enzymatic reactions, explore whether it is co-occurring with other variations that we expect to see if there is a higher risk and calculate a net likelihood score for the individual. Then we look at population data and rank the person based on where they are in terms of likelihood of predisposition compared to the rest of the population. The population percentile score shows the percentage of people who have less likelihood than the individual to be predisposed genetically to a trait.
If you have a DNA fiel already, you can start with any packages you are interested in, such as Nutrition, weight loss, Skin Care, and more. they start at around $69 and based on the number of trait reports price changes. If you need to take a DNA test, you can take advantage of the combined offer of a DNA kit and All reports, Premium Kit for $425.00
Your DNA controls everything about you: from your eye color, sensitivity to sun, and risks of complex diseases. Knowledge of your Genetics can be utilized for preventive purposes, leading to a healthier life and personalized daily choices. Genetic variations in our DNA impact the way your body processes nutrients, your muscles and joints structure, your skin characteristics, and many other wellness traits, from predisposition to higher blood pressure due to excessive salt consumption, or the negative impact of trans-fats.
Wellness Genomics is the science of identifying associations between genetic variations present in the DNA with Wellness traits. This is called Predisposition Likelihood Assessment. Silverberry uses a Computational Genomics engine that assesses the cumulative effect of genetic variations that may impact your wellness traits based on thousands of peer-reviewed genetic studies of various populations and provides you with state-of-the-art predisposition likelihood assessment for that trait.
Once you have your DNA Nutrition Reports, you can become a genei.us on Silverberry Mobile App and get access to a database of 2.5M recipes, that are matched with your genetic assessment.
It is simple:
1- Create a free account on Silverberry Platform by following this link: https://my.silverberrygenomix.com/login
2- Dowbnalod your existing DNa file from the site of service providers and go to My Genomics page after login and upload it there
3- You will receive an email withing couple of minutes when your reports are ready
Yes, you can create a free account and click on reports under my Reports page after login0 to see sample reports per package.
Silverberry follows the best practices and standards in the industry to secure your DNA files. To further protect your DNA File privacy, we anonymize the files in transition and storage. We have invented a process called Three Degrees of Privacy to ensure maximum protection of your security and privacy. See this page for more information about how Silverberry is protecting your DNA Privacy: https://silverberrygenomix.com/your-dna-privacy