Become a healthcare trailblazer.

Put your practice on the map by using precision medicine.

You can use Silverberry’s genetic assessments to design personalized diet and exercise plans for your clients.

Have a question? Book a meeting to put your praxtice on map!

How does it work?

Silverberry uses the process of nutrigenomics to develop a nutrition plan that is highly beneficial to your clients and easy for them to follow.

Help your clients achieve their goals.

Click here to explore more reports.


Modernize your practice.

  • Care for your clients using the latest scientific methods backed by research

  • Save time with clients by focusing on the issues most important to them

  • Have better patient outcomes by providing personalized care specifically tailored to their DNA

  • Increase your clientele as your services become more effective and time-efficient

How accurate are the reports?

Silverberry uses a computational genomics platform that utilizes the most rigorous science currently available to analyze genetics-based wellness. The platform is based on over a decade of highly curated global scientific research.

Curious about how to apply genetic testing?

Watch this video to learn more about using genetic assessments to design health and wellness plans for your clients.

Click here to learn more about the Silverberry certification course or enroll today.


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Click here to view Silverberry playlists, containing dozens of helpful videos.